Jordan Singer
@jsngr (twitter)
great work!

Daniel Destefanis
@daniel__designs (twitter)
Cool to see a design lint competitor! I know how hard this was to build so big congrats on launch and building it!

Noor Merchant
noor-merchant-73332a192 (linkedin)
This is surely gonna come a lot in handy 👏🏻

Matej Rajtar
@matejrajtar (figma community)
Exactly what we've been looking for, thank you! It helped us to convert our old Sketch files to Figma, where we re-defined our styles and linked them using Roast to the imported designs. The "fix all" button works like magic!

Nuo Cheng
@nuocheng (figma community)
Soooo excited to try the latest version! The function for multiple styles with the same value is helpful!

@DesignVaishnav (twitter)
This is lit dudee! It can save hours of manually fixing DS issues :)

Sagar Bhardwaj
@sagar_ux (twitter)
looks too good! Great work @millons098